Welcome all Exercise Buddies

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster woman, But sooner or later the woman who wins is the woman who THINKS she can!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Aerobics and Zumba- next two weeks

Brenda and I will be on vacation followed by Activity Day Camp. Here is the schedule:

Fri. June 17: Zumba with Betsy

Tues. June 21 Aerobics CANCELLED

Fri. June 24: Zumba with Lynelle & Betsy

Tues. June 28: Aerobics CANCELLED

Aerobics will resume on July 5. Have a great kick-off to your summer!


Monday, June 13, 2011

You choose the music!

For Tues. June 14: We will do an interval cardio/weights workout. You can help me choose the music: classic rock, Latin or one of my alternative or pop workouts. This will be the last aerobics class in June. Happy Summer!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The "Un-Step" Step Workout

For Tues. June 7: You don't need to bring your step but we will work out to step music with some modified step and cardio boot camp moves. Bring your weights and water bottle.