Welcome all Exercise Buddies

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster woman, But sooner or later the woman who wins is the woman who THINKS she can!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Exercise during Spring Break

Yes! We will have exercise both days:

Tues. April 3: Strength Training/Aerobics with Brenda
Fri April 6: Zumba with Lynelle & Sara

For now we are still at Hearthwood. We may start Fri. Zumba in the next week or two at 18th St. We will let you know by email.

Have a great Spring Break!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Friday Zumba- 18th St. bldg. option

Hi Ladies,

We are so glad to have many of your coming to our Friday Zumba class at the Hearthwood Bldg. Because of our increasing numbers and with our children playing in the same gym, you may have noticed that it is getting a bit crowded. We have the opportunity to use the 18th St. Stake Center bldg. The gym is at least twice the size and we would have the option to use the nursery which is directly across from the gym. We are asking you to take a brief, confidential survey which addresses this topic and a few others. Then we will have a better idea of what the majority prefers.


Thanks, Sara

Friday, March 9, 2012

Zumba Flashmob CANCELLED

The Flashmob that was to occur Sat. March 10 at the mall has been cancelled. We will let you know when it will be rescheduled.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Gadgets

Check out the new gadgets along the side of the blog.  The top one has information for upcoming events and the second one is a video bar taken from Tiffanie's you tube channel.  Currently Wepa is in the top slot on the video bar.  I have also added a link here that will take you directly to the Wepa video on youtube.  Have fun learning the moves and I will see you there. 

Wepa Video